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Shuguang Chemical Co., Ltd. Recertified Under International Cyanide Management Code


On September 12, 2013 (Washington time), International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) announced over its website that Anhui Anqing Shuguang Chemical Co., Ltd. has been recertified in full compliance with the International Cyanide Management Code (Cyanide Code).

The Company was initially certified in compliance with the Cyanide Code in March 2010, becoming the first enterprise of same kind in China certified to the Code. An international independent professional third-party auditor thinks that the company had maintained full compliance with the Cyanide Code's Principles and Production Practice throughout the previous three years.

The Cyanide Code was developed under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Program by a multi-stakeholder Steering Committee. The Cyanide Code is intended to complement an operation's existing obligation to comply with the applicable laws and regulations of the political jurisdictions in which the operation is located. Shuguang has become a signatory to the Code and has been implementing it. The company has developed even more strict and detailed regulations on production, transportation, storage, personal safety, training and emergency plan, so as to lead the enterprise management norm into the line of an international one.
